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Political crisis in Senegal: WACSOF Calls for respect for the constitution, urges ECOWAS, African Union to take their responsibilities more clearly



Joel Ajayi 

The West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) is closely following the electoral process in SENEGAL. WACSOF learned with great surprise and regret of the announced postponement of the date of the presidential elections, in a televised address on February 03, 2024 by President Macky Sall. 

The elections were scheduled for February 25, 2024, and the electoral campaign was about to start at midnight on February 04. According to the constitution, the end of President Macky Sall’s 2nd term is set for April 02, 2024, the date on which he must hand over power to his newly elected successor.

 Following the announcement, scenes of violence broke out in the streets and at the National Assembly. Demonstrations were brutally repressed by the forces of law and order. 

Mass arrests were made of demonstrators and political leaders, including Mme AMINATA TOURÉ (former prime minister turned opponent and re-elected presidential candidate), MPs GUY MARIUS SAGNA, SEYDINA OUMA TOURÉ, CHEICKH ALIOU BEYE, ABASS FALL, PROF DAOUDA NDIAYE (leader of a citizens’ movement and qualified presidential candidate).

In the mean time, Mobile Internet was cut without forgetting the withdrawal of the broadcasting license of WALFADJIRI TV.

During a session of the national assembly on February 5, 2014, opposition deputies were evacuated from the premises of the national assembly by the Senegalese army.

This evacuation was followed by the vote, without the opposition parliamentarian, of postponement of the presidential elections to December 15 2024, de facto extending the mandate of President Macky Sall beyond the limits prescribed by the constitution of Senegal.

For several months, WACSOF has noted a continual deterioration of the political climate which is reflected in a radicalization of political positions, a judicialization of political relations and a skyrocketing level of violence in SENEGAL.

WACSOF wishes to recall that in addition to being required to respect the AFRICAN CHARTER ON DEMOCRACY, ELECTIONS AND GOVERNANCE (ACDEG), SENEGAL is a signatory to the ECOWAS PROTOCOL ON DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE (Protocol A/SP1 /12/01 on Democracy and Good Governance / Supplementary to the Protocol relating to the Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution, Peacekeeping and Security / DEC 2001), in particular the following extracts:

ARTICLE 21. No substantial changes will be made to electoral laws during the six (6) months preceding the elections, except with the consent of the majority of political actors.

2. All elections are organized on the dates or periods fixed by the Constitution or electoral laws.

ARTICLE 22: The use of weapons to disperse non-violent meetings or demonstrations is prohibited. Whenever a demonstration becomes violent, only the use of minimal and/or proportionate force is authorized.

In view of the above, the WACSOF

1. Condemns any act, both civil and military, of violation of the constitution and existing legal frameworks.

2. Calls on the Senegalese authorities to be the light that protects the constitutional order.

3. Recalls that the postponement of the presidential election places Senegal on an unprecedented and dangerous path away from the constitution, which threatens its democracy and would thus undermine decades of progress in this island of democracy in Africa. Contempt for the constitution is one of the stages preceding dictatorship.

4. Calls on the authorities to do their utmost to maintain the electoral calendar which respects the constitution.

5. Calls on the authorities to open civic space, digital space, media space and political space.

6. Calls on ECOWAS and the AFRICAN UNION to side with the people by clearly and firmly taking their responsibilities while avoiding variable treatment in the face of any act of violation of the constitutional order, both civil and military.

7. Calls on Civil Society and stakeholders to remain mobilized and play their roles peacefully for a peaceful resolution.

8. Remains seized of the Senegalese situation and affirms its availability to work with ECOWAS and any other stakeholder for a peaceful resolution of the crisis thus unnecessarily opened. 

 WACSOF is Civil Society organization with more than 1000 Member Organizations, the WEST AFRICAN CIVIL SOCIETY FORUM (WACSOF) is the umbrella network of the Civil Society in West Africa, covering 18 thematic areas, with representation in 15 countries of ECOWAS.

WACSOF is the channel for institutionalized dialogue between civil society organizations and ECOWAS. WACSOF builds capacity, advocates, mobilizes civil society, engages in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies for a prosperous, stable and peaceful Africa.

 WACSOF is an excellent channel, a one-stop-shop for systematic engagement between institutions and civil society organizations, for impactful results. www.Wacsof-Foscao.Org.

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Pakistan Ambassador To Nigeria Others, Pay Tribute To Martyrs, War Heroes On Defence Day



Tolu Tosin

The Pakistan diplomats in Nigeria have joined the rest of the diplomatic missions of Pakistan across the globe to observe the annual Defence and Martyrs Day paying tribute to the nation’s heroes including the armed forces and martyrs for their unmatched sacrifices and bravery to safeguard the country.

The day we started with a 31-gun salute in the country’s capital, Islamabad, and a 21-gun salute in provincial capitals, followed by prayers, wreath-laying ceremonies at the tombs of martyrs, and special prayers in mosques for the progress and prosperity of the country.

Pakistan on Friday celebrated its 59th Defense Day anniversary to commemorate the sacrifices of fallen heroes who defended the South Asian country.

For any Pakistanis, the day reflects Pakistan’s strong commitment to the defense of sovereignty as many pay tributes to the brave soldiers who thwarted the enemy’s attempts to harm Pakistan.

Speaking in Abuja at an event organized to commemorate the day, the Pakistan Ambassador to Nigeria, Retired Mag.-Gen, Sohail Khan said that the Martyred soldiers are heroes and their sacrifices and dedication cannot be forgotten.According to him, we are celebrating Defence Day to pay homage to the Armed Forces of Pakistan. I will just narrate certain facts for the information of all of you.

“Pakistan Armed Forces stands as the 5th largest standing Armed Forces in the world.

 We have been the largest contributors to the UN peacekeeping operations since the 1960s. 

“To protect the motherland from internal and external aggression, members of the Armed forces have sacrificed their lives and embraced martyrdom in the Global War Against Terrorism of which Pakistan has been at the forefront since the very beginning.,

“In terms of officers vs troops causality ratio Pakistan Armed Forces are at the top having lost/offered every other 12 ranks.

“Armed forces have always responded to the call of the nation during national calamities, earthquakes, floods, etc. They have been at the forefront of every nation-building and assistance task.

“Pakistan remains an extremely responsible 7th nuclear state in the world. Well-entrenched command and control systems are also being managed by the Armed Forces of Pakistan.

“This occasion is meant to pay homage to our members of the Armed Forces for their dedication and sacrifices.’

Speaking also at the occasion, was Defence Advisor an  Attaché of the Pakistani High Commission in Nigeria, Col. Mushtag Kamran Col. Kamran Mushtaq expressed that, the 6th of September signifies the unflinching resolve, unity, and sense of sacrifice to defend the motherland at all cost.

“It is also to pay homage to those sons of the soil who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom and sovereignty.

“Their actions continue to resonate urging us to strive for a better tomorrow

“Following the legacy of our Great Heroes in unison with the people of Pakistan we remain ever-ready and fully determined to squarely meet all external challenges to protect our ideological and geographical boundaries.

“Today, we bow our heads in reverence and gratitude for martyrs, who have the freedom that engraved their legacy in the anal of history, reminding us of the freedom that we cherish

“Let’s renew our pledge that following the footsteps of our martyrs, we will leave no stone unturned for the defense of our Motherland and we will always work, towards making Pakistan e great country.” He pledged

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