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Felicia Mammah N.

The Governor of Benue state, Rev. Dr. Hycient Iromen Alia may have proven wrong the saying that; “politics is a dirty game”. Just like the biblical saying that; “many were called but few are chosen”, Governor Alia has through his practical projects proven his sincerity of purpose to his generation and citizens that voted him into power.

Although he did not read political science but he is delivering expectedly through politics. A Man that has failed in political administration is that man without genuine mission, vision and selflessness. In less than 365 days of his tenure, he has re-designed and fixed the 23 dilapidated roads in his state that used to be death trap to his people. In a country where many have assumed that politics is a dirty game due to the failure and greed of political actors, seeing a forthright and dedicated leader seems like seeing an ocean in the desert.

Politics is one of the accredited courses studied in both state and federal universities, but its most preferred to impact political knowledge on people than involve people in practical politics where change can be effected with utmost credibility.
One would ask why parents will accept their children to study political science if the course is not relevant in life. Politics may be said to be a game of numbers with various technicalities to achieve success.

Interestingly, in the contemporary Nigerian setting, despite the risk in the struggle to win majority acceptance, only the courageous and determined hearts wear the crown. Politicians apply different measures to emerge victorious in elections only to make peace later, just like what happened in the Bible where Jacob who stole the blessing of his brother Cain eventually made peace for togetherness in the family. So, why will some politicians turn everlasting enemies because of party differences and anger of relinquishing power?

But for Fr. Alia, most part of his success has been his formidable team of like minds with globalized brains that can transform ideas into reality and actualization.
Benue state is among the minority states that aspire to liberate from mental slavery that has for many years left some of her brightest youth in drunken state and helplessness by past leaders who operated in oblivion of the condition of their subjects.

The governor’s easy access by his subjects, is a strategic device to the calmness in his environment including visible projects that everybody in the state has wished for long. The young priest has not only embarked on Capital Projects but has motivated contractors to complete the contracts awarded to them within the time limits. Some of the completed projects have however, started changing the face of the state as well as attracting investors including the World Bank.
Notwithstanding distractions of killings by misguided illiterate hooligans, Fr. Alia sees the tomorrow of youths in his state knowing that his vision for change, will surely bring back laughter in sorrowful minds.

It is also, worthy to note that in the history of governance in Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu has involved right thinking youths of substance in his administration. The appearances of these youths in their designated duties give hope for a better tomorrow for themselves. Benue State Governor in line with President Tinubu’s foresight, has formidable youths that wish to be in the Guinness book of success story, hence their penchant to work towards the ambition of their governor.

“Machine” as Fr. Alia is popularly called in his state coronets the energy seen in him that won him the acceptance of his people with the acronym, “YES FATHER”.
The attention of the Benue State governor has concentrated in his challenging projects; thus his reason for not having the interest of relaxing in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) except to attend meetings for proper representation of his state. He has no doubt, turned his state to a visiting place of relaxation for the indigenes making the place home away from home. The governor has been occupied with tedious capital projects that other administrations did not consider developmental.

It’s worthy to therefore, note that the Gross Domestic product (GDP) of Benue state is N4. 27 trillion, yet the state governor has been very economical and willing to encourage business oriented investors that are sure of conducive environment that will boast their bilateral business agreements with the state. Among some notable and commendable capital projects that the governor has concluded efficiently are; the construction of North Bank and the International Road that have been fixed. Governor Alia has meanwhile, extended development of infrastructure to bridges in Gboko G.R.A and High Level areas. He has particularly embarked on reviewing both the state expenditure and Income to enable him ex-tray lack of infrastructural development from past administrators.

Most past administrators in their myopic state were alleged to have defrauded the state with many bank accounts without bearing in mind that the same bankers that aided their fraud are same bankers that will expose their dirty deals. But the governor in his own wisdom, saw the need to ascertain the appropriateness of utilization, interest charged on the loans collected and possible abuses of the state funds. Significant among the abuse projects is the Parris Club Refunds received by his state but was not properly accounted. Just as the Governor wishes to create avenues for employment; all the sectors are currently undergoing proper sanitization to search out ghost workers that will enhance transparent employment to deserving youths.

Fr. Alia was unanimously, voted into power e-mass by his people who on daily bases, express their confidence on him as well as look forward to their hopes being restored back. Grate regards with credit will always be given to Sen. George Akume who despite resolvable conflict between him and his son Fr. Alia remains supports to his success and that of the state. “Benue state is for Benue indigenes. Everybody in Benue State is a stake holder. The down fall of Governor Alia, is the down fall of all and the success of Governor Alia is the Success of all”.

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Former Minister Sunday Dare Celebrates Late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle



…Calls on Ogbomoso to compete for power in Oyo state.

Joel Ajayi

The Agbaakin of Ogbomosoland and the former Minister of Sports and Youth Development, Chief Sunday Akin Dare has joined family, friends, relatives, and good people of Ogbomosoland to celebrate the life of a veteran Civil War hero and an eminent Ogbomoso-born Nigerian Army officer, late Brigadier-General  Benjamin Maja Adekunle, otherwise known as Black Scorpion.

In a statement released recently, the Agbaakin of Ogbomosoland noted that the 10th anniversary remembrance of the veteran General is not just a celebration of his history, but a reflection of the bravery and patriotism of a

man who risked his life on behalf of our country and citizens. Chief Sunday Dare acknowledged that: “As a General, he was first amongst equals, and we as his people, are proud of the legacy that he left behind”.

Chief Sunday Dare explained that the sense of purpose and commitment to something greater than one’s self, is a cornerstone of a soldier’s life, which late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle exemplified. He signposted a life of enduring symbol of bravery, and compassion. He served Nigeria well.

“The story of the battle for Nigeria’s soul and eventual unity cannot be complete without a generous mention of late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle, a.k.a Black Scorpion. He was a patriot who loved his country and gave his all. He revealed to the world that Ogbomoso’s sons and daughters were no bystanders or minions. But that, Ogbomoso sons and daughters are brilliant

and brave, courageous and compassionate, patriotic and powerful. And above all, that Ogbomoso is a land of warriors; ever ready to make necessary sacrifices for the unity of her people and her land”.

Furthermore, Chief Sunday Dare stated that: “Late General Benjamin Adekunle has joined the league of Ogbomoso icons like the late Premier of Western Region Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola, the late Soun Oyewunmi Ajagungbade III, the late Governor of Oyo State Otunba Alao-Akala, the late Inspector General of Police Chief Sunday Adewusi and many other heroes of democracy from Ogbomosoland who made priceless sacrifices for the unity and peace of Nigeria.

For late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle, no task was a burden and no sacrifice was too high: for he loved his people even as he understood that his call to duty carried a risk to his own life. He brought to life courage and patriotism that remains unequaled”. “Out of curiosity, I searched for the deeper meaning of a Scorpion. General

Benjamin Adekunle was nicknamed the Black Scorpion largely due to his exploits as a soldier. I found out that Scorpions are symbols of protection, transformation, independence, solitude, and intelligence.

In addition, Scorpions are also a symbol of death and rebirth, a symbol of power. We stop here. For us, the spirit of the Black Scorpion must rekindle in us the desire to lead. Not just in our land of Ogbomoso, but in our Oyo State. Let Ogbomoso no longer play the second fiddle in Oyo State. Let Ogbomoso speak with one political voice. Let Adekunle’s spirit summon us all to a new cause in this dispensation.

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