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Nigeria @64: Mixed Grill For The Nation



Insecurity, hunger, unemployment thrive 

* As current administration strives to correct previous anomalies  

* President Tnubu  continues efforts toward economic emancipation, national reawakening 

The public show of patriotism that was usually experienced during the celebration of Nigeria’s independence from colonial rule is gradually vanishing due to insecurity and widespread hardship. But the current administration appears poised to change the narrative, OWUNARI MAXWELL, and OLABISI AJAYI write.

1st October of every year, Nigerians commemorate the nation’s Independence, typically, accompanied by a display of National accomplishment through time.

Not surprising though, the fanfare that usually dotted the celebration has progressively ebbed into near oblivion. For instance,  the display of patriotism was at its best as Nigerians publicly displayed the national flag on moving vehicles, at homes, offices and even business places. “The reason for this is not farfetched. The public display of financial splendor and opulence by the ruling class, is a sharp contrast from the naked truth of hunger, starvation, unemployment, crass poverty and hopelessness that is the lot of downtrodden who coincidentally make up the bulk of the nation’s population,” Shuna Fakum, a public affairs analyst told GLEAMER Newspaper.

For Nomte Bitrus, she believes that it is only Nigeria’s ruling class and their cronies that have reasons to celebrate. “What do you want me to celebrate? After losing the husband of my youth along with our two sons, plus siblings, cousins, friends and neighbors, I was barely able to escape from our community in Sabon Tasha, Chikun Local Government Area in Southern Kaduna to Mararaba, a satellite town that shares boundary with the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, though in Nasarawa State with our three surviving daughters.

“The most senior among them who should have written her SSCE earlier this year, has dropped out of school to assist me in making kunu and zobo drinks, plus the satchet water and soft drinks which we both hawk  along the ever busy Abuja – Keffi Expressway so that the family can survive and her two younger ones can go to school.

“Will I celebrate the suffering, hunger, insecurity and killings of my kinsmen?” She queried in tears.

Bitrus’ predicament depicts the plight of many who have several tales of woes to recount. But with the recent onslaught against terrorism and banditry which has seen the killing of banditry kingpins as well as terrorists, many Nigerians have expressed hope in the commitment of the Tinubu administration to tackle insecurity.

Despite the passage of time, many of the challenges that have plagued the nation have remained unresolved as successive leaders continue failing to address these issues, leaving Nigerians to wonder if the dream of a better future will ever be realized. From insecurity and corruption to economic stagnation and infrastructure decay, the list of unresolved challenges is unending.

Despite the challenges, Nigeria has a lot to celebrate at 64. Since independence, the country has made significant strides in nation-building, including the preservation of unity despite numerous attempts to disintegrate it. Other key successes include economic growth, cultural advancements, and contributions to global peacekeeping. 

As Nigeria marks this milestone, it’s a reminder that there’s still much to be achieved. The Tinubu administration must build on these successes and address the lingering challenges to ensure a brighter future for all Nigerians.

Based on this, the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, has re-echoed that the present government under the leadership of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, who is working tirelessly toward the implementation of a series of transformative policies and reforms designed to address the missteps of the past and set Nigeria to emerge as a formidable economic superpower shortly.

 “Under the visionary leadership of President Tinubu, we have initiated transformative policies and reforms aimed at correcting the missteps of the past and repositioning Nigeria as an economic superpower soon. Despite global economic headwinds and the transitional pains accompanying some of the reforms, the President has remained focused in his efforts towards reviving our economy and returning the country to the path of prosperity and sustainable growth,” he said.

The Minister stated that, in a groundbreaking effort to transform rural socio-economic development in Nigeria, President Tinubu successfully sought and obtained a landmark Supreme Court judgment granting autonomy to local governments.

Idris said that singular decision ensures that elected Local Government Administrations now have direct fiscal control, which will ultimately enhance grassroots governance and development while promoting greater effectiveness and accountability in local governance.

“In addition, a lot of work is going towards ensuring macroeconomic stability, stabilizing the foreign exchange regime, reforming the tax system to make it more efficient, and less burdensome on Nigerians, repositioning our oil and gas sector to attract new investment, and prioritizing the diversification and expansion of government revenues,” he added.

The Minister further added that the President is gradually guiding Nigeria into a unique energy transition phase through the launch of the presidential initiative to move the country from fossil fuels to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as a fuel for vehicles and machinery.

He acknowledged that the ongoing rollout of CNG and associated infrastructure is reducing transportation costs for Nigerians by up to 60 percent, creating jobs, and attracting tens of millions of dollars in local and foreign investment.

“In multiple ways, the President is focused on putting more money in the pockets of the Nigerian people, and creating avenues for sustainable prosperity,” Idris stated.

The Minister, who said that the 64th independence anniversary is a time of reflection, celebration, and renewed hope, stressed that so far Nigeria has demonstrated resilience, strength, capacity, and an unyielding spirit in the face of numerous and daunting challenges.

The media administrator said since gaining independence in 1960, Nigeria has evolved from a nation of hope and potential into a leading force on the African continent and a respected voice in the global community and that despite numerous trials, the nation always emerges stronger through the citizens’ shared unwavering vision of a united and prosperous country.

Using he occasion to commend Nigerians for their patience and resilience in this very difficult period in the evolution of the nation’s economy, noting that the journey has been tough but there is light at the end of the tunnel, ha said with the recent ratification of the National Values Charter by the Federal Executive Council, the Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation would now commence the implementation of the Charter in line with the President’s commitment to fostering moral, ethical, and cultural reawakening.

“The charter will bolster the conviction that the things that unite—our sense of nationhood, our obligations to our country, and its obligations to us—will always be stronger and deeper than what may wish to divide us.”

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Minister of State Petroleum join forces with FRSC on Road Safety Campaign



Joel Ajayi

In what seems to be another milestone in inter-agency collaboration, the Federal Road Safety Corps and the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (Oil) have reached a compromise to begin a robust partnership, geared towards intensifying existing efforts embedded in the campaign for safer roads in Nigeria.

The partnership was birthed during the visit of the Corps Marshal FRSC, Shehu Mohammed, to the Honourable Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (oil), Senator Heineken Lokpobiri in his office on Monday 14 October  2024. 

In the course of the conversation that ensued, the Honourable Minister assured the Corps Marshal of his ministry’s readiness to partner with the Corps in the campaign for safer roads in Nigeria. 

While congratulating the Corps Marshal on his well deserved appointment, the Minister expressed optimism that with the inauguration of the National Road Safety Advisory Council (NRSS), by the Vice President last week, stakeholders would work harmoniously to ensure safety on the nation’s highways. He commended the FRSC for its commitment to road safety as evidenced by the successes recorded in the areas of Road Transport Safety Standardization Scheme, Drivers certification  and other public enlightenment programs that have led to drastic reduction in the rate of road traffic crashes. 

The Minister however, expressed concerns with frequent cases of crashes involving petroleum tankers some of which resulted in fire incidents with great loses to lives and property. He further stressed that even as the Ministry would have preferred that the use of pipelines as veritable means of transporting the petroleum products, the current hazards as well as the cost implications involved in replacing the pipes have made that impracticable at the moment.  He therefore solicited the support of the FRSC to properly streamline the activities of drivers at the depots with a view to ensuring that only tankers that meet the minimum safety standards load the petroleum products from such facilities.

The Minister expressed the willingness of the Ministry to support the FRSC with logistics and training to enhance the capacity and efficiency of its personnel in road traffic management. 
Earlier in his remarks, the Corps Marshal commended the Minister for the positive reforms being embarked upon in petroleum industry in Nigeria by the current leadership. He noted the existing peace and harmony in the Niger Delta areas and requested for collaboration for sustained peace and development in the oil industry. 

The Corps disclosed that as part of the FRSC’s commitment to safety in movement of petroleum products, personnel of the Corps are being deployed to major depots across the country to ensure compliance to safety rules and regulations with particular reference with the policy on safe to load. He requested the Minister to assist the Corps with some logistics including patrol vehicles and ambulance for enhanced road surveillance and prompt response to distress calls.

The meeting which had in attendance some Directors of the Ministry of petroleum also has some principal officers of the FRSC in attendance with both sides agreeing on the need to sustain the partnership for  safety on the nation’s highways and stability in the transportation of the petroleum products.

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