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Our Herbs Are A Huge Blessing From God – Dr Ben Anodu



Dr. Benjamin Amodu is an expert in python-medicinal research and is known internationally for his alternative medicine remedies to various diseases. In this interview with newsmen, he expresses his firm belief that with the political will of government, these herbs our country is blessed with can make Nigeria become a hub for pharmaceuticals with most countries of the world coming to us for solutions to many ailments.

As a graduate of Industrial Pharmacy, what motivated you to go into alternative medicine?

I am an industrial pharmacist because I was looking forward to manufacturing my own drugs in the future, and at the time of graduation we heard that the World Health Organisation, WHO, was looking more toward herbal medicine, so the a need to change gear.

Despite having an abundance of natural resources or raw materials for alternative medicine, why do you think Nigeria is still backward in this regard?

Well, we need someone with the political will to make us succeed. You know in every situation, political will is the issue. The manufacturing countries or advanced countries of the world have a way of cowing people into only believing in what they’re doing. I was the first to tell the world through a Guardian newspaper interview in 2003 how I manufacture my cures for most of the illnesses from bitter leaf and about 10, 15 years later we see the United States of America, USA, now manicuring bitter leaf and people are queuing up to buy them in supermarkets and in stores, so that’s the kind of country we have but I think with President Tinubu, it is going to be different.

He looks like a very knowledgeable person to the extent that he saw herbal drugs and made a comment that this would bridge the gap between the dollar and the Naira. That shows the level of intelligence and I think it shows he has the political will to take action in this regard.

I remember you wrote to the Ministry of health and other agencies under it about your cure for COVID-19 even before Nigeria recorded its index case. How far with the clinical trials?

There is no clinical trials because we applied for the trials and paid for it but up till now, we have not heard any response as to go on or not. But the good thing is that we have cured people with the same product and it’s all over the internet and the whole world is aware that Nigeria has the solution for COVID-19: call it long-term COVID, or any strain of COVID, we are specifically into the research for viruses so anyhow the virus changes, we have the solution.

Tell us briefly about your experience with the cure for COVID-19.

Everybody who has come here for issues relating to COVID-19 has had the situation resolved. When they do it in America or in Europe, they make claims of the cures but when we do it here they say we shouldn’t say so. I don’t know why, but this is my intellectual property and as a lawyer, I don’t think anybody can challenge me. I cure those disease conditions and people are on the internet saying it. Can you imagine someone who had prostate enlargement and has been to all the important hospitals in India to no avail, but he took our products and he got relief? He is saying this himself, I am not the one saying it for him. So evidence they say, is the end of the argument.

How would you describe your relationship with, and the acceptance of your work by the government agencies like NIPRD and…

(cuts in) No no no! You know in Nigeria we are always like that; always downplaying our notable and laudable achievements and sweeping them under the carpet but with this new government like I have been saying, we think they mean business so we pray to have a change in the attitude of the government. I don’t want to talk about all those past relationships. Not only myself but others like me are all looking forward to the future and we hope to see many more positive things for herbal medicine.

Where do you see Nigeria in the next 50 years with regard to alternative medicine?

I can see Nigeria in the next 50 years as a hub in pharmaceuticals with most countries of the world coming to us for solutions to many ailments and diseases.

What are some of the diseases that your products cure?

Well, you know before now, diabetes which is an auto-immune disease as well as a hormonal imbalance, can’t be managed but our medication cures it to the extent of reducing the sugar level to normal, and all the adverse effects caused by the modern pills or by the disease itself are completely resolved. Issues like quick ejaculation, generalized pain of the body, and issues of the eyes, legs, and hands are all resolved.

Even cases of diabetic ulcer which is not curable anywhere in the world by orthodox medicine that leads to amputation are resolved without the need to amputate. Can you imagine the reputation this singular cure will create for Nigeria before the whole world, where we cure this without the need for amputation?

Glaucoma which is an increase in the intra-ocular pressure of the eye is resolved here to normal without operative procedure. Or is it cataract that we remove with our treatment without surgical operation?

Or even in the kidney end disease which we resolve without transplant, and without dialysis. With our treatment, the kidneys repair themselves and are rejuvenated back to optimum performance and the patient recovers. What can we say about this cure, with kidney disease having become a major issue across the globe? Or do you talk of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E where we are told that about two billion people have been infected with the hepatitis B virus alone, that’s about one out of three persons? That approximately 1.5 million people become newly infected each year; almost 300 million people are chronically infected, yet only about 10% of infected individuals are diagnosed, so it is unknown to about 90% of the sufferers. But we have a cure from herbs that resolve the hepatitis. You can go to my Facebook page and see verifiable testimonies from people we have cured of Hepatitis.

Or is it an issue of HIV/AIDS that the viral load is brought down to nil and the patient does not experience the viral load increasing again, and the CD4 count recovers to about 900 to 1000?

Or is it tuberculosis that we have treated patients with TB and HIV, and in the third week of treatment the TB disappears? This is TB that is treated for 9 months with 9 different chemical cocktails.

In the case of sickle cell anemia, we treated a man who had undergone over four blood transfusions, but since the daughter has been on our treatment, she has not visited any hospital because she has not fallen sick. What about those whose genotype changed from SS to either AS or AA as the case may be? The testimonies are all there for the world to verify. But I want to state here that people’s bodies respond differently: while some respond early, others might have a delayed response. But the most important thing is to continue your medication until God who heals brings your own healing.

Look at the prostrate that killed James Brown in those days. He had to undergo six prostrate operations. In the cases of surgical operations, the prostrate will always grow back, but we have gotten a final hammer on the prostrate that a person who urinates up to 10 times in one night can take our medication and within just two or three days, the urination will come down to only once or twice as the case may be. Is that not a major achievement?

Finally, what is your message to Nigerians?

My message is that let us have a very huge hope in our herbs which God has endowed on us based on our location on the geography of the earth. This is a huge blessing God has given us and some of us have researched into them. It is just left for us to believe in them. So let us join hands with the government and move this country forward and get people all over the world to make Nigeria the destination for medical tourism as we reverse the incessant trips to India, China, Egypt, and all the other destinations.

The End

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Alternative Medicine Can Bridge Unemployment, Naira/Dollar Gap – Professor Says



By David Maxwell

A university don who has taken a vibrant interest in phyto-medicine research, Professor Benjamin Amodu, says Nigeria can reduce unemployment as well as bridge the forex gap between the Naira and Dollar through Traditional, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, TCAM.

He said this is very possible if both the government and the people join hands to project the vast potentials of the country to the foreign world.

Speaking to our reporter, he said: “My message. is that let us have a very huge hope in our herbs which God has endowed on us based on our location on the geography of the earth.
“This is a huge blessing God has given us and some of us have researched into them. It is just left for us to believe in them.

“So let us join hands with the government and move this country forward and get people all over the world to make Nigeria the destination for medical tourism as we reverse the incessant trips to India, China, Egypt and all the other destinations. “I can tell you categorically that TCAM is the best way to go. In fact’ if there is political will on the part of government, the Naira/dollar ratio will level up.

“The bulk of importation of drug products will fall and we will conserve our foreign exchange and channel it into other sectors.

“Government should even stand in the gap because there are a lot of things that can be done in this sector.

“Let us depend more on whatever we produce and forget about over-dependence on importation. When that happens, this huge youth unemployment ratio will be closed up as our subsistence farmers will go into extensive farming and production of the needed raw materials. And in so doing, you know they will employ many more hands to enable them to do this.

“You can imagine that the United States of America projected to make $30bn dollars in 2023 alone from alternative and complementary medicine,” Amodu said.

He then called on the Tinubu administration to build on what the previous administrator started and make Nigeria the hub for medical tourism.”

The huge government investment into this untapped multi-billion dollar industry however remains to be seen. Amodu is a 1980 graduate of Industrial Pharmacy from the Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, Zaria, and a professor of phytho-medicine from the Triune Biblical University, USA.

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