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News From China

“The country is its people; the people are the country



As the Communist Party of China has led the people in fighting to establish and develop the People’s Republic, it has really been fighting for their support.” This is a quote from Xi Jinping’s report to the 20th CPC National Congress. People is the key word in Xi’s report. 

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News From China

“China marks Lunar new year in Nairobi”



More than 200 guests, including ambassadors, UN officials, individuals, members of the media, and others who have contributed to China-Africa cooperation, enjoyed lively performances that set the tone for the upcoming Lunar New Year.

An event titled “Prelude to Lunar New Year Gala” washeld in Nairobi on Wednesday. 

The “Prelude to Lunar New Year Gala” gave guests a chance to enjoy Chinese songs and dances, a performance of the traditional Gu Zheng instrument, and Chinese cuisine, all in the Spring Festival spirit of joyous celebration.

Shen Haixiong, President and Editor-in-Chief of China Media Group kicked off the event with a keynote address.
Chinese cultural musical performances followed, the Director General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi, Zainab Hawa Bangura, and Chinese Ambassador to Kenya, Zhou Pingjian, were among the many dignitaries in attendance.

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