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The interpretation of Section 134 of the 1999 Const (as Amended) has generated quite a furore, in light of the fact that only one candidate secured more than 25% of the votes cast in the Federal Capital Territory. I believe if we critically examine why this requirement was made in the first place, one would easily understand the true purpose of the legislation. 

Section 134(1) (b) of the 1999 Const. (as Amended) places an onerous task on a presidential contestant, demanding that not only would he have more votes, but he will also have to have at least one-quarter (25%) of all the votes cast in all the states of the federation and the FCT.

 Now this seemingly comprehendible provision has come under immense scrutiny, owing to the heated nature of the ongoing 2023 Presidential elections.For those of us who have refused to gain mastery in mathematics, since Nigeria has 36 States, 2/3 of states would simply be 24 states. Most Political actors over the years have held on to the 24 states rule.

The issue for determination now is, ‘does the constitution demand 25% in 24 states or 25% in 25 states with or without the FCT; in other words, if a contestant has 25% in 30 states excluding the FCT has he met up with this stringent constitutional demands?

For an answer to this, we may need to reproduce the entirety of section 134(b).Has not less than one-quarter if the votes cast at the election in each of at least two-third of all states in the Federation AND the Federal Capital Territory, but where the only candidate fails to be elected in accordance with this section, then there shall be fresh nominations. (Emphasis: Mine).

The crucial word in contention is ‘AND’. I am sure very few people have ever paid attention to this everyday word; yet this word may very well be in the center of our political balance.

From your released result, only one party scored more than 25% in the FCT so we appreciate the sudden interest in this inconspicuous word.

Gladly the Court of Appeal in DASUKI v. DIRECTOR GENERAL STATE SECURITY & ORS (2019) LPELR-48113(CA) dissected the meaning and usage of the word when it held that “In ordinary usage, the word “and” is a conjunctive. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition, described the word “and” as “A conjunction connecting words or phrase expressing the idea that the latter is to be added to or taken along with the first.

Added to; together with, joined with as well as, (Emphasis Mine)Without doubt, the mischief rule of interpretation is apposite in understanding and dissecting the intentions of the drafters. In simply terms, what was the mischief that was intended to be cured by this provision?

The answer is clear and unarguable. The constitution needs a candidate with national spread that reflects acceptance in different areas of the nation; therefore the constitution is looking for bridge builders’ and not a local champion.

The argument for 25 States with or without getting 25% of the FCT takes root in Section 299 of the Constitution which reads ‘the provision of this constitution shall apply to the Federal Capital Territory Abuja as if it were one of the States of the Federation’.
The weakness of this argument however is that it seems to be over stretched.

Without doubt, the entirety of Chapter VIII of the constitution, centers on the general legal framework and administration of the FCT for administration sake, the FCT is deemed and governed as a state, this much is unarguable. 

The Courts had held time without numbers that when a specific and a general provisions of the law conflicts the general bows for the specific. Generally Abuja should be administered as a state; this provision cannot take precedence over a specific provisions. See Ibori V Ogboru (2004)15NWLR (PT 895). 

Whereas the FCT is generally seen as a state, section 299 does not in any way obviate section 134 (1) (b), otherwise the section in contention would very easily reads, ‘not less than one-quarter of the votes cast in each of at least two-third states of the Federation’ as was the case in Section 132 (4).

Where the Drafters did not see any need to specifically mentioned FCT since same is deemed as a state already. 

The argument that 25% in 25 States will cut it, further falls flat on its face when compared to section 132 (4) for instance which states that ‘ For the purpose of this election the whole federation shall be regarded as on constituency’. Without doubt by virtue of section 299, the FCT is deniably deemed as a state in this equation, the same can be said for section 134(2) (b) which reads inter alia ‘one amongst the remaining candidates who had the majority of votes in the highest number of states’ although the FCT was not specifically mentioned in this provision, but by virtue of Sec 299 however,  it will be a sail against common sense to suggest that the FCT should be omitted from this equation. 

The reason why the FCT was not specifically mentioned in the afore instances is simply because it needed not to be; there were no specific stipulation for the FCT. 

However as far as assessing the national acceptance of a candidate is concerned, which is the real ‘intent, purport and essence’ of the requirement of 25% in 2/3 of the States; the FCT as a geographical expression becomes especially and uniquely importance. No other state or city can boasts of being a nicely distilled cocktail of Nigerian cultures like the FCT. 

The Supreme Court in Orakul Resources Ltd & Anor V NCC & Ors. (2022) LPELR 56602 (SC) held that  ‘in the construction of a statute, all the provisions dealing with the subject matter and the overall context, the intendment or purport of the stature are to be considered together, holistically and not in isolation in order to identify the real intention of the legislature. Section 130 – 134 of the Constitution must be given a compound interpretation to adequately sieve the spirit of the law. 

What then is the spirit of the law? Well it become discernable if we understand that the Federal Capital Territory was purposefully created as a melting pot of all cultures and people of the nation; Abuja is in effect a microcosm of Nigeria hence the voters in Abuja would largely reflect the will of the totality of Nigerians. Consequently, it makes sense that Abuja is seen as a special requirement by itself and not lumped with other states.

It appears that the Supreme Court in Buhari V Obasanjo (2003) All NLR 168 did not elaborately examine the essence of the 25% requirement for presidential contestants in the first place. Clearly, the Drafters of the Constitution intended that a president must emerge not merely by large numbers, but numbers from a cross spectrum of the nation. It is the latter that the constitution favors. 

If the Supreme Court had factored this intent, it won’t be difficult to see why the specific requirement of 25% in Abuja, a city purposefully made up of citizens from the 36 states of the federation is indeed sacrosanct.

In Any case, a President in Abuja doubles for all intent and purpose as the Governor of the State of Abuja Aside executing national duties; he also has local obligations to the residents of Abuja. This has to be factored into consideration also. 

I have often argued that Nigeria is not a strict democratic nation, social justice is as important as democracy in line with Section 14 of the constitution. Our nation is founded on Democracy AND Social Justice another word for social justice is national spread or inclusivity. 

It is my settled understanding that any candidate who fails to score 25% in 24 states as well as 25% in the FCT has fallen short of the constitutional requirement and ought not to be declared winner of the election regardless of the number of votes that he might have acquired in the election process.

Osigwe Ahmed Momoh Writes from Abuja

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NAPTIP Restates Commitment To Fighting Human Trafficking



Joel Ajayi

… decries corruption in law enforcement, weak legislation

The Director-General of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, has pledged the agency’s commitment to fight human trafficking.

Waziri-Azi gave the assurance during an anti-corruption radio program, PUBLIC CONSCIENCE, produced by the Progressive Impact Organization for Community Development, PRIMORG, in Abuja.

The commitment by NAPTIP follows an investigative report by Human Angle Media exposing how many Nigerians trafficked to Egypt are inhumanely treated and exploited by their sponsors.

Represented by the agency’s Director of Public Enlightenment, Mrs. Kehinde Akomolafe, decried the rising number of Nigerians who are victims of trafficking, pledging that “NAPTIP is fighting on all sides to curb human trafficking.”

Akomolafe disclosed that the agency is aware of the report of Nigerians trafficked to Egypt and has already commenced interventions to rescue them while warning citizens to be wary of “offers that are too good to be true.”

She identified weak legislation, lengthy judicial processes, and corrupt law enforcement officials as factors aiding and abetting trafficking in Nigeria and elsewhere in the world.

“Corruption is endemic and cuts across other countries of the world, and that’s why trafficking is easily perpetrated in Nigeria and around the globe. You find law enforcement officials aiding and abetting traffickers. Some of them know these traffickers from their operations either at the entry or exit point. They give them something or become too familiar with them.

“Apart from the bribery aspect, we also have officials turning a blind eye to trafficking activities, and that’s why for us at the agency (NAPTIP), we are not resting.”

According to her, the agency, from inception, secured 672 convictions, 67 in 2023, and 35 persons so far this year (2024). She added that “NAPTIP is winning the war against trafficking but still wants stiffer punishment for traffickers and the support of the judiciary in hastening cases.

“weak legislation is aiding trafficking. That’s why the agency continues pushing for amendments. Currently, NAPTIP is pushing for stiffer punishment against traffickers that will lead to confiscation of their monies and property.

“NAPTIP Director-General (Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi) is fighting on all sides against human trafficking.

“Where law enforcement officials are found complicit, NAPTIP Director-General does not take it lightly; she doesn’t compromise her anti-corruption stance even when a staff is involved,” Akomolafe stated.

According to the Editor of Southern Operations, Human Angle Media, Kabir Adejumo, many Nigerians trafficked to Egypt engage in forced labour. They are also living in fear as authorities go after illegal immigrants.

Adejumo said victims interviewed during the investigation are willing and interested in returning home, but their sponsors refuse to release their travel passports and threaten to implicate them.

He also revealed that the NAPTIP and Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) are aware of the plight of Nigerians trafficked in Egypt and have currently rescued one person.

On her part, the Programme Manager of the Human Angle Foundation, Angela Umoro-David, expressed satisfaction at NAPTIP’s response to trafficking cases while urging the agency to stay on course with their mandate.

Umoro-David called on Nigerians to use a Freedom of Information platform ( to help citizens navigate requests for public records from different government parastatals and agencies.

She stressed that the platform “is a website where people can submit their FOI requests to us (Human Angle), and we’ll submit it on their behalf to the particular agency. So we act as middlemen, connecting these government parastatals to the citizens”. 

Public Conscience is a syndicated weekly anti-corruption radio program PRIMORG uses to draw government and citizens’ attention to corruption and integrity issues in Nigeria.

The program has the support of the MacArthur Foundation

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