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BREAKING: Many feared killed as troops repel Boko Haram attack on Maiduguri



Heavy explosions and sporadic shootings echoed Tuesday evening in Maiduguri as Nigerian soldiers repelled an attack by suspected Boko Haram insurgents.

A PREMIUM TIMES reporter heard explosions from artillery shooting and assault rifles echoing over the Borno State capital city.

The thunderous sounds of heavy firearms started at about 5:45 p.m. and continued intermittently for about an hour.

Residents of Gwange Layin Bori said a rocket-propelled warhead that landed on their neighbourhood had inflicted ‘damages’ on the residents.

Rocket-propelled grenades also landed in Adam Kolo and Kaleri suburbs of Maiduguri where residents are reporting casualties and injuries.

PREMIUM TIMES has not been able to independently verify these claims, even as residents were seen rushing home as the dusk set in.

A competent military source confirmed to PREMIUM TIMES that “there was an attempted infiltration into Maiduguri by Boko Haram elements.”

The source, who pleaded anonymity as he was not permitted to speak to the media, said “the attack came from the Kaleri, London Chiki axis”.


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Pakistan Observes KASHMIR SOLIDARITY DAY in Abuja



Joel Ajayi

The people of Pakistan inside the country and across the world is observing Kashmir Solidarity Day Today’s Monday express solidarity with Kashmiris in their struggle for the right to self-determination.  
Since 1990, the Nation of Pakistan observes February 5th as Kashmir Solidarity Day.

According to the statement issued by the High Commissioner of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Abuja, Nigeria H.E Mr Sohail Ahmad Khan stated that, Kashmir Solidarity Day serves as an annual reminder of the  prolonged conflict in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where the struggle for self-determination has left an indelible mark on the lives of innocent Kashmiris. 

“Multiple UN Resolutions unambiguously declare that the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted  under the auspices of the United Nations. 

“Numerous international, UN organizations as well as UN Special Rapporteurs have reported gross human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir. 

“Media and press is under tremendous pressure by Indian Government especially in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir which is evident from India’s  ranking of 161 out of 180 countries as per 2023 World Press Freedom.

“Jammu and Kashmir has been converted into world’s most militarized zone and the largest prison on earth. Pakistan stands firm with Kashmiri brothers and sisters and  will continue to provide unwavering diplomatic support.

“Pakistan demands that International community including United Nations and it’s relevant Human Rights Machinery, Civil Society Organizations, Media Houses and other defenders of Human  Rights to fulfill their obligations towards besieged Kashmiris by playing their part to end the rule of tyranny and oppression.”

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