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Opinion: Calling For Scrapping: Is NYSC Security Agency?



The uninterrupted existence of the National Youth Service Corps NYSC is no doubt crucial to the building of a strong, united, prosperous nation where peace, love, and justice reign.

The impact of corps members in community development projects such as Roads, hospitals, boreholes, electricity, market, agriculture, education, communication, healthcare, and technology are far too outstanding to be wasted and sacrificed on the altar of challenges that affect every Nigerian.

The continuous co-existence of people with different religious and ethnic backgrounds today can be traced to the establishment of the scheme 51 years ago.

Indeed, the NYSC has helped restore a sense of pride and identity to other ethnic minorities who hitherto would have been isolated due to a lack of contact with youths from other parts of the country.

Today, many are calling for the scrapping or suspension of the NYSC simply because of insecurity, kidnapping, banditry, religious extremism, ethnic violence; and incessant kidnapping but the question begging for an answer from such a group of individuals is that, Is NYSC security agencies?

Over the years people have been calling for scrap yet to see the light of the day from the government having known the importance of the scheme to the nation building.

The recent group was the Human Rights and Justice Group International calling on the Federal Government to suspend the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)

The group cited the rise of killings occasioned by kidnappings, terrorist attacks, and other criminal activities across the country.

But I think this group has to think about an adage that says, “Cutting off a head is not the cure for headaches, this is exactly the true picture of a Scheme NYSC that has contributed immensely to the unity, cohesion, growth, advancement, and development a nation called Nigeria.

Honestly speaking, those calling for the scrapping of the NYSC, are the real enemy of this nation and probably have not taken stock of the good fortunes NYSC has brought to the nation in the last 51 years of its existence.

Emotions understandably boiled over on the death of Promising youths. While the incidents are unfortunate, decisive action plans are needed to forestall occurrence, but they should not derail a very laudable idea.

Everyone has a role to play in the country, the objective of NYSC when set up by the then Nigerian government during the Military regime was to involve all Nigerian graduates in nation-building and the development of the country a set objective which has been achieved.

For those calling for suspension, the question is, Can we call for the suspension of security agencies? Simply because they can’t protect all the citizens as stipulated in their work description?

Can those who are hostile to the continuation of the NYSC scheme equally call for the scrapping of the nation’s economic sector because many Nigerians are poor?

Insecurity is an extraneous problem that is of global and national dimensions, and a critical challenge confronting the Scheme.

The lofty objectives of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria, upon inception in 1973, by the military administration of General Yakubu “Jack” Gowon (Rtd), were to help foster integration, reconciliation, and national unity. Those objectives were relevant at the time, given the unique circumstances of the country.

The extreme upheavals of that era precipitated the cataclysmic Nigerian vs. Biafra Civil War (1967-1970), which claimed over a million lives.

The spirit of national healing, reconciliation, and actualizing the prevailing “no victor, no vanquished” cantillation, berthed the NYSC.

From its humble beginning of 2364 Corps Members mobilized at inception, the Scheme at present, mobilizes on average, three hundred and fifty thousand Prospective Corps Members every year for service, thereby making it the biggest youth — mobilization agency in Africa.

As I earlier some challenges need to be addressed and solutions should be the concern of all stakeholders because the scheme in its 51 years of existence has no doubt contributed immeasurably to all sectors in the country and beyond.

In its 51 years of creation, the scheme has remained a catalyst for national development.

Whether will believe it or not, NYSC is vital to Nigeria’s peace, and growth, NYSC is like the raw material of a nation that needs to be nurtured, cherished, preserved, and sustained for more growth and development.

Some of the challenges include insecurity, banditry, incessant kidnapping of innocent Corps Members across the country as well as the inability of some State and Local Governments to discharge their statutory responsibilities to the Scheme, funding, and increased population amongst others.

The invaluable roles played by the NYSC are clear, with a profound impact on every sphere of development including democracy, health, education, infrastructural development, human capital development, manpower, security, environmental and road safety. The list is endless.

Talking about national integration, so many inter-tribal marriages have been contracted over the past 50 years by ex-Corps Members as a result of their exposure to the Scheme, thus, strengthening the bond of unity among Nigerians, and pulling down the obstacles of ethnic suspicions and stereotypes.

Amazingly, Corps Members are found in the remotest parts of the States, where even the natives do not want to work, imparting knowledge, and catering to the healthcare needs of the people.

Many might be seated on the seat of judgment for the one-year compulsory program for university graduates simply because of challenges in the country but it’s obvious that calls for scrapping of NYSC are pointless.

NYSC is a good stopgap for millions of young people in Nigeria who need more nourishment than scrapping.

Today, as bad as many see the Scheme, NYSC is, most fresh graduates’ first actual work experience is usually through NYSC, throwing most people directly into the labor market from our crappy public university education system and we’ll have more employability problems than we have now.

All government and stakeholders need to solve the problems associated with NYSC, bring about more jobs, and create an enabling environment. NYSC is a good stopgap. Don’t throw the baby away with the bathwater.

The National Youth Service Corps stands as a multifaceted investment in Nigeria’s future, offering benefits that permeate the youth’s personal development and the nation’s collective growth. It is a nursery for national unity, a catalyst for professional development, and a cornerstone for community transformation.

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Nigeria Will Take Good Shape In No Distant Time- Olawande



Joel Ajayi

The Minister of State for Youth Development, Ayodele Olawande has urged the citizens of the country to be patient with the Administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in transforming the lives of its citizens through various policies and programs of the federal government.

The Minister made this submission while delivering his speech at the Joint Union Negotiating Council’s week of the Federal Ministry of Youth Development branch. This is the first edition since both Ministries of Youth and Sports had been damaged. The JUNC week which was held at Atiku Hall, Office of Head of Civil Service of the Federation in Abuja had its theme: “The working people in a volatile, uncertain, and complex economy”  

In the words of the Honourable Minister: “I urge you to be patient with this administration. In no distant time, the country will take good shape and the lives of its citizens will be transformed”.

“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is not a pauper, he is an acknowledged epitome of wealth, and so it cannot be said of him that he desires to loot the treasury of Nigeria. He has seen money and as a result of this, he is not interested in looting the nation’s treasury”, Olawande explained.

 He emphasized that “leadership is all about being committed to serve. If you are a Minister now, tomorrow you will be addressed as a former Minister, likewise a Director  because there is no permanent position but the impact that you made while in that office will speak after you”, the Minister reiterated.

Olawande expressed his gratitude to the workers of the Ministry for being supportive of the government policies and programs. He promised that the welfare of the staff would not be compromised, adding that workers deserve remuneration for being hardworking.

Earlier in his address, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mr. Olubunmi Olusanya admonished the staff of the Ministry to put in their best as “Performance Management System” which replaces APER is the criteria to be used for promotion effective next year. This, according to him is because the Performance Management System (PMS) records the best efforts and input of each staff which will in turn be used to grade such staff.

Olusanya who disclosed that the welfare of the staff is his priority as workers deserve the best for the services rendered. He opined that “the hungry man is angry and as a worker, if you are not treated fairly and properly, it is impossible to get the best out of you. As a result, all staff will be treated properly as motivation to propel the best in you”, he concluded.

The Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs. Esther Didi Walson-Jack, OON, MNI, in her address, informed that the activity to reinvigorate the Civil Service in a bid to ensure that Civil Servants carry out their duties with much diligence to have efficient and incorruptible civil service is currently on course. She advised workers to wake up and be committed to the service of the nation.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Jerry Akume, the General Secretary of the Union expressed his delight in celebrating this year’s edition of the Union week, while highlighting the achievements of the union so far. These include:

Upward review of staff welfare, prompt payment of repatriation allowances, payment of first 28 days allowance, assistance to the sick, general training of staff, and sending forth/retirement package for retired staff.

He also appealed to the Management of the Ministry, saying that irrespective of the aforementioned achievements, a lot still needs to be done in such areas as procurement of staff buses, upward review of welfare payment for festive periods, consistent general staff training, and procurement of office and work materials.

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