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Conservation of Endangered Species is a collective responsibility – Goni



Conservation of Endangered Species is a collective responsibility – Goni
Agency Report
Alhaji Ibrahim Goni, the Conservator-General, National Park Service says the protection and conservation of endangered species is the collective responsibility of all humans.
Goni said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) while reacting to questions on the celebration of World Endangered Species Day on Friday in Abuja.
Endangered Species Day is observed on the third Friday of May every year to spread awareness about the importance of protecting endangered species, their habitats and to take actions necessary to protect them.
“Species like plants or animals that are threatened with extinction are called endangered species so this day calls for a collective effort to protect our nation’s endangered species and their habitats.
“Endangered species are the species that are at the risk of extinction due to sudden rapid decrease in its population or loss of its critical habitat’’.
The C-G said that there are some factors that could lead to extinction and that these include:
“Human intervention, Loss of habitat, Poaching, over grazing, Overhunting, Pollution, Diseases, loss of genetic variation, Deforestation, Climate Change amongst others.
“In fact, predictions estimate that up to 1 million species may become extinct as a result of climate change.
“ Therefore we must work together towards generating awareness among the public about the importance of wildlife, endangered species, biodiversity and conservation’’.
“We all have a responsibility to protect endangered species, both for their sake and for the sake of our own future generations’’.
He said that there are everyday actions that people can take to help protect endangered species and their habitat.
According to Goni, `Conservation of any endangered species must begin with stringent efforts to protect its natural habitat by guarding against human encroachment into parks and other game sanctuaries.
“That is why farming, hunting, poaching, cattle grazing and wood logging are not allow in all our seven parks across the country.
“You must not kill animals, especially the young ones, don’t set their habitats on fire through indiscriminate bush burning and you should not cut down the trees where some of them live’’.
He said the Service would gladly welcome any individual, group pf people, NGO’s and even government agencies that are willing to make sure that the Nigerian nature is preserved.
“Our doors are always open for collaborations and ideas that would enhance the proper management and protection of our fauna and flora,’’ he added.
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Earthic Energy To Establish Solar Manufacturing Factory In Nigeria



By Uche Onyeali

Indigenous clean energy company, Earthic Energy Limited has disclosed plans to set up a solar energy manufacturing factory in Nigeria.

Chief Executive Officer of the company, Miss Blessing Anulika Achebe gave the hint during the launch of the company in Abuja, at the weekend.

Miss Achebe, who disclosed that she has been in the solar energy business for five years, said though the journey had not been easy, but she and her partners are focused towards achieving the set goals of the company.

According to her, “The journey so far has not been easy, but I have been working with utmost determination, when I make up my mind to do something, I put in my best and God’s grace will always pave way for you with hard work.

“I have worked so hard to get to where I want to be today. I have tried so hard to make all my dreams come true. Like I said earlier, with the mercy of God everything has come to pass.”

On how she could cope with the competition in the sector, Achebe noted that her firm does not admit any factor that could stand as drawback, as a lot of women are already making waves in various sectors of the economy.

“Our determination is unhindered, though we acknowledge such competition as it paves the way for more resilience. Women are now taking over the world.

“I have been into solar for more than five years. Right now I have been pushing so hard and I see how the world is evolving around energy.

“I have made up my mind that said this is what I want to do. I said if I don’t get to where I want to be, there is no going back; I would go above the limit. I want to change lives; I want to make the world a better place. That is why I came up with ‘Earthic Energy Limited’ because the world revolves around the earth. The earth is where we live and that is why my colour is green and sun yellow. So I want to power the whole world.
“Our plan is to set up a solar energy factory in Nigeria where we can manufacture our own products,” she said.

She called for more investors and government at all levels to take advantage of Earthic’s services, which include solar streetlight installation, inverter/grid installation, construction, training/empowerment, as well as contract financing and partnership, supply/credit sales.

Speaking at the occasion, a Professor of Biochemical Pharmacology at Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Professor Zaruwa commended Miss Achebe for her vision and bold step into the clean energy sub-sector.
Professor Zaruwa, a former Vice Chancellor of Adamawa State University, Mubi, urged government at all levels, especially governors in the northern part of the country where there is enormous sun, to partner Earthic Energy to improve power supply in the country.

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